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Page Settings

At page settings you can configure lots of options for the selected page. It depends on your permissions, the installed templates and the current template of the page which values are available.

Some of these settings were already made when creating the page; here you can see: you can change it whenever you want.

Page title

The page title might be equal to the menu title, but can differ from it too. Depending on the page template's features, the page title will appear on the page, usually as the main content headline.

Menu Title

The menu title appears in the navigation (if that is generated by WBCE CMS). You can change it as you want.


When creating a new page, the filename is generated from the page title / menu title ("About us" as title leads to "about-us.php" as filename). Lateron, you can change the menu title as well as the filename, there are no dependencies any longer.

The filename always consists of small letters and the blank replacement character which was set at the website settings (usually a hyphen). If a page has child pages, the file name is used as the directory name, e.g. if The page "About Us" has child pages, there is created a page named "about-us.php" and a directory named "/about-us/" in which the accessfiles of the child pages are stored.

The filename appears in the URL of the page, so keep in mind that changing this value can have negative SEO impact.


The page which is hierarchically above the given page. If you want to assign a child page to another parent page, you have to use this select box. The assignment cannot be done by drag&ndrop.


This is the setting whether the page should appear in the navigation, should be accessable to everybody and so on. For more information see visibility level definitions.

If you choose "private" or "registered", the select boxes for "Allowed (frontend) viewers" is displayed at the right side of the input fields.

Keep in mind that WBCE CMS has no staging view. It's useful to create a new page at the level "hidden" or "private", so you can see what you're working on, but random visitors do not see the half-ready page. When finished, just set the page visibility to "public" here.


Contents of the meta tag description. This value can be used by page listing modules and the internal search. Most search engines use this text to display a short information of the content of the page in the search results too.

If you do not enter any text here, the contents of the field "description" at website settings are used (what might be bad regarding your SEO efforts).


Contents of the meta tag keywords. This value can be used by the internal search. Most search enginges ignore this value.

If you do not enter any text here, the contents of the field "keywords" at website settings are used.


You can define if a link to the given page should be opened in the same window or a new window. This works only if the template uses show_menu2 for generating the navigation, and, if the menu call is customized, the placeholder target="[TARGET]" is included in the setting for the menu link loop.


If there are more than one templates are installed on your site, you can choose which template should be used for the given page. So if the page should use another template than that which is selected as default template at the website settings, you can select it here.

This setting is handed to child pages, but only when creating new (child) pages. If a page already exists, changing the template settings of a parent page has no impact to the existing child pages.

You should have a close look to the frontend view of the page after changing the template. If the block definitions are different (placement / amount of blocks), the results might not be the way you have expected.


If the page template contains different menus, you can select here in hich of it a link to the given page should appear. Depending on this selection the link to the given page appears for example in the main navigation or a meta navigation in the footer.

Please note that a page can only be assigned to a single menu. If a link to a apage should appear in more than one menu, you have to create menu link pages for each appearance.

If you change the page template, you have to save the changed values first before you can select the new template's menues here.


The page language is used for the backend and (if necessary) frontend output of the modules which are used on the page; furthermore, when the setting "page language" is activated, this setting decides whether a user /visitor sees a menu link to this page or not.

This setting is handed to newly created child pages of the given page, but changing this value has no impact on already existing child pages.


By default, search is enabled; that means, if the template provides a search box for the internal search on the page, this box is displayed, and the WBCE CMS search engine will show the given page in the search results list if a corresponding search term was submitted.

If you set this value to "Disabled", the search input field will not appear on the site and the whole page is ignored by the search engine.

Please note! Pages which are set to the visibility "Hidden" will appear in the search results when their "Search" setting is set to "Enabled". If you want to avoid this, you have to set this value to "Disabled"!


The wording is a bit misleading. "Administrator" in this context means the group(s) which are allowed to edit the contents of the page.

Please note that this setting is not handed down to child pages, so you have to define for each page manually which groups should have the permission to edit it. (If you want to change the permissions of a bunch of pages, have a look at the Admin-Tools Multiple Page Settings or Multiple Permission Setting.)

Allowed viewers

If the visibility "private" or "registered" is chosen, you can select here the groups which have frontend access to the page.

This setting is not handed down to childpages neither.