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General Settings

Website Title

The title of your website which is displayed at the top left of the default BE theme, is usually used for the <title>-Tag in the template and, depending on your template, may appear in the header of your pages too. Technically, you can change it at any time and use all and as many characters as you want (but there are SEO restrictions you should keep in mind).

Website Description

The value entered here will be used for <meta name="description" content="your text here"/>. Many search enginges display this text under the title of the page in their search results.

You can (and should) set individual descriptions for every single page. That means, if you put a description in the page settings, that text will be used; if the description field in the page settings is blank, the value you've entered here in general options will be applied.

Furthermore, if you include simplepagehead in your template,  it will utilize the item description you enter in modules such as Topics, Bakery and News.

Website Keywords

You can enter general keywords here, but regarding search enginge optimization, these are often ignored.

You can define individual keywords for each page at the page settings. The value you enter here in general settings is only used if the keywords field in page settings is empty.

Website Header

If the template supports the output of WEBSITE_HEADER, the code (HTML is allowed in this field) you enter here will appear at the given position.

Website Footer

If your template supports the output of <?php page_footer(); ?>, the code you enter here (HTML is allowed), will appear in the given position.

Page Level Limit*

You can specify the depth to which pages can be nested. Setting a limit can be useful if your template's navigation only supports a limited amount of levels.

Please do not lower the value if there are already pages on deeper levels!

Page Trash

When activated (by default), pages you delete from the page tree are not permanently deleted immediately, but stored in a virtual trash can. They are neither accessable from the backend nor from the frontend, but can still be restored. To permanently delete the page, you have to delete it one more time.

Attention! If pages have already been placed in the trash can and you deactivate the page trash function, the pages in the trash can are immediately destroyed and are no longer available even after the page trash function is switched on again!

Please notice that if a page is deleted, this is always applied to its child pages too, so be extremely careful when switching off the page trash!

Permanently deleting pages is irreversible!

Page Languages*

If you build multilangual pages and you activate this option, WBCE CMS decides which pages are displayed to a certain visitor/user, depending on the default language of a visitor's browser or the language selection in a user's profile.

This means, a user who has selected "English" as language in their profile, will see only links to English pages in the website's menu (if the page language is set accordingly).

If this option is deactivated, all users see all pages.

Multiple Menus*

If your template supports multiple menus (e.g. main navigation, meta navigation, footer links), this option has to be actvated (which is the case by default).

The assignment of a page to a certain menu is made in the page settings.

If you have already assigned pages to menus other than the main menu (ID=1), you should not switch this option off.  Doing so will cause the pages which were assigned to the other menus to be unreachable from the navigation and they will have to be assigned to the main menu manually one by one.

Personal Folders

If you maintain a site with several users and switch this option on, you can assign a sub directory of the media directory to a given user in the user settings. In the backend, the user directories can only be accessed by the corresponding user(s).


  • This setting has NO impact for the frontend view, that means, any content of the user folders are accessible for visitors and other users.
  • Users without an assigned folder have backend access to all media directories, including the personal folders of other users.

So in fact, this option has very limited usefulness.

Manage Sections*

Here you can disable the ability to place more than one section in a block. That means, if your template consists of one block, you can only put a single section in that block, and if you have more than one block in your template, each block can contain only one section.

If you disable section management and there is already more than one section in a given block, these sections are still accessible via backend and frontend, but you can no longer alter the ordering of the sections, and you also can't assign these sections to other blocks.

Leaving this setting enabled is strongly recommended.

Section Blocks*

If your template supports more than one block (most current templates do), this setting has to be set to its default "Activated" value. Otherwise, all sections are assigned to the main block.

You can switch off this option if your template has only one block, but this has no advantages. Just leave it activated.

Intro Page

If you switch on this value, you will see an additional link "Edit intro page" where you can alter the contents of the page.

The intro page will be displayed when a visitor accesses the main URL of your site, (e.g. http://yourdomain.tld/). This page could be used to offer a language selection or something else, but please consider, that most visitors are annoyed by intro pages and these pages usually have a negative impact on search engine optimization efforts.

The intro page is placed out of the usual structure, that means, you can't make use of any template functions, and the template of your site is not assigned to this page. So if you want to use the stylesheet of your template, you have to set the link to it manually and build the complete HTML structure which should be applied to the intro page by yourself.

The intro page's content is stored if you disable this feature, so if you need it again later on, you do not have to start from scratch.

Homepage Redirection*
  • If a visitor points their browser to http://yourdomain.tld and the homepage redirection is enabled, the visitor will be redirected to the first page of your site. If your first page is named "home", the address bar of your visitor's browser will display "http://yourdomain.tld/pages/home.php".
  • If this option is disabled, the visitor sees just http://yourdomain.tld until they navigates to another page of your site.
  • If you have built a multilingual site, or the first page of your site is a menu link for whatever reason, the enabling/disabling of this option makes no difference, since in this case the visitors are always redirected to the first "real" page of your site, e.g. http://yourdomain.tld/pages/en/home.php.
Smart Login*

Has no impact and can be ignored. In former versions the login data was stored in a cookie so that the fields on the login dialogue were pre-filled. Has been deactivated for security reasons.


You can switch the possibility for users to login from the frontend, on/off.

  • If this option is activated, and this feature is supported by the frontend template, the visitors will see a login form on your page. Furthermore this setting determines if the "loginbox" droplet generates any output.
  • Pages with the visibility "private" or "registered" appear in the navigation only if frontend login is activated.

So, if you wonder why certain pages are missing in the navigation, or the "loginbox" droplet seems not to work, you will probably just have to enable frontend login.


Redirect after*

Setting how long error and success messages are displayed in the backend. The default value of 1500 means one and a half second. Setting this to -1 means that every message has to be confirmed manually.


If you have created a user group, you can select it here to allow visitors of your site to register themselves as a member of this group.

You should be very, very careful with this option! The group to which users can register should have only reading access. In worst case, users could damage your whole site or place malicious code on it if they were granted too many access rights.

PHP Error Reporting Level*

If you are a developer and/or are asked to switch on error reporting by a community member in a support forum thread, you can switch this setting to "Show all errors and warnings (development)". This is useful if you encounter any issues while developing a template or working on/with modules.

The default setting is "Use system default (php.ini)", because the PHP error messages can contain confidentional information, which would best not be presented to the public (and they don't look very nice either). So just alter this setting if necessary and don't forget to switch it to this setting again, or, if there are still errors/warnings appearing, to "Hide all errors and notices (WWW)".

Please notice, that on some shared hosting environements this setting has no impact, if the provider has permanently deactivated PHP error messages for security reasons. In this case, you might have to put some code in a .htaccess file or you can access PHP error logfiles on your server - please contact your webspace provider for more information.


You can choose which WYSIWYG editor (which is installed as a module) you'd like to use for WYSIWYG sections and other input filelds where a WYSIWYG editor is supported.

The default setting is CKEditor. Setting this to none will force you to enter plain HTML without syntax highlighting. Brrrr....

* displayed only in "advanced" view.