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Search Settings


If supported by the frontend template, the search input field will be displayed (or not) accordingly to this setting.


The template which should be used for the search result page. The search results are always stored in the main block (ID=1), so make sure you did not use that block for the header image or something else of the sort.


HTML-Code which is displayed on top of the search results, can be altered according to your needs. The terms in brackets and capitals are placeholders which are replaced by the corresponsing values in the frontend output.

Results Header*

The text which appears under the (search) header and on top of the results. Feel free to use HTML and placeholders.

Results Loop*

The HTML code which is generated for every single appearance of the given search term. You can use several placeholders:

  • [LINK]
    Link to the page where the search term was found
  • [TITLE]
    Title of the page where the search term was found
    If existing: The description of the page where the search term was found
    The user name of the user who last edited the page where the search term was found, should not be used in frontend due to security reasons
    The display name of the user who last edited the page where the search term was found
  • [DATE]
    Date of last modification of the page where the search term was found
  • [TIME]
    Time of last modification of the page where the search term was found
    translation for "updated by"
  • [TEXT_ON]
    translation for "on", this is to create "Last update by Testuser on 2017/05/16, 13:59" in the corresponding language
    A short excerpt from the page where the search term was found including the term itself


Results Footer

Text (HTML) which appears under the last item of the result loop

No results*

Text which is displayed when nothing was found


The text which is displayed under the results footer, should not be mixed up with the global footer

Module-order for searching*

Defines the order in which search results from the modules which support the internal search engine should be displayed. Has no impact on whether the search results of a certain module are displayed or not.

Max lines of excerpt*

Limitation on how many excerpts containing the search term should be displayed. Unfortunately, this is not a pagination of the search results (which simply is not available).

Max time to gather excerpts per module*

Time limit in milliseconds to generate the excepts (0 = no limit). If you run into performance problems while executing a search, try changing this value.

* displayed only in "advanced" view.